Natalie Oswin „Queer worldings in the urban age“, DKG, 02.10, 16:30
Wir freuen uns ganz besonders die erste sub\urban – Lecture ankündigen zu können: Am Freitag, den 2. Oktober, um 16:30 Uhr hält Natalie Oswin ihren Vortrag „Queer worldings in the urban age“ im Rahmen des Deutschen Kongresses für Geographie in der Humboldt Universität, Berlin (Hauptgebäude, Raum 2094).
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Queer worldings in the urban age
Much urban scholarship has moved away from thinking narrowly about the ‘global city’ as category or thing to instead critically examine the ‘worlding’ of cities. As part of this emphasis on how cities are globalized in multiple ways, the literature now attends well to embodiments and exclusions in globalizing cities – particularly in relation to race, class and gender politics. But sexuality is largely neglected as urban studies scholarship generally fails to consider how globalizing cities are concomitantly sexualized in consequential ways. This talk addresses this significant gap, by foregrounding the ways in which a critical approach to global urbanism might bring together the worlding projects of both queer studies and urban studies.
Außerdem noch ein Hinweis von uns: Am 4. Oktober findet der Tag für kritische Geographie statt. Informiert euch unter: